December 13, 2019

Membership in Clairmont Heights Civic Association (CHCA) is open to persons 18 years of age or older who own or reside within the CHCA boundaries. Membership is on a household basis. Our membership year runs from June 1 - May 31.

How we use your membership dues:

Neighborhood Improvements: We buy plants for neighborhood entrances and help fund additions to Melton Park. We provide grants for things like our annual Graduation Banners. We mow common areas when necessary.
Social gatherings: CHCA sponsors our neighborhood’s annual Halloween potluck and occasionally other cookouts and Family Movie Nights. We try to provide opportunities to meet your neighbors and have a good time.
Communication: This Association website, our weekly eNewsletter, and the neighborhood Facebook group are all mechanisms that we employ to share information about the community. With separate committees addressing traffic issues, zoning and development concerns, and schools, our Board learns about a wide variety of things that we share throughout the year.

To join and make a payment:
Please complete and submit the Google Form below FIRST, then proceed to Paypal, otherwise you must reload this page to do it when your payment is complete.
To pay by check: Bring your check to one of our announced meetings or neighborhood gatherings. You can also contact us at to arrange a secure drop off.
To pay online by credit card: We use PayPal to process online payments - no account needed.  PayPal allows you to use your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover or Bank account (where available).