May 10, 2021

It's time for the Clairmont Heights Civic Association annual membership meeting! The meeting will be hosted virtually via Zoom on SUNDAY, May 23rd at 4:00pm

The current slate of candidates is:

  • President: Bert Ackermann
  • Vice President: Michael Dowling
  • Treasurer: Hal Bailey 
  • Co-corresponding Secretaries: Cindy Giver and Eric Gilbert
  • Recording Secretary: Nancy Rosetti

CHCA members elect all officers at the general meeting. Members can be nominated or self-nominate from the floor. Our process is governed by our bylaws, which are on our website.

Committee Chairs are appointed by the president and Executive Board. Nominees are:

  • Planning and Zoning: Jim Smith
  • Schools and Community Service: Steve Langdon
  • Transportation: Clint Paden and Kelly Baker
  • Membership: Claire-Anne Gutekunst
  • Communications: Odette Schuler

To fulfill temporary or special roles, the president may appoint chairs for special committees. For the 2021 association year, we anticipate the following appointments:

  • Spring Party: Chris Srubas and Cheryl Bartlewski
  • VA Noise Abatement: Nancy Ciliax

Our full agenda and Zoom meeting link is forthcoming!