July 19, 2023

Dear Clairmont Heights neighbors and friends, 

July is annual membership month for the neighborhood association, and we hope you’ll join or renew your membership for 2024-2025 year! All membership dues are used to support and build our community, and we welcome input and ideas for events and initiatives you’d like to see this year. 

Email us at ClairmontHeightsCA@gmail.com with any ideas for the upcoming year. 

Your $25 annual household membership for 2024-2025 will support things like the following: 
  • Our annual Fall Block Party  
  • The Spring Street Fest
  • Scavenger hunts
  • Donut / Popsicle / Ice cream socials
  • Banners to celebrate our high school graduates 
  • Ira B. Melton Park financial support for plantings and improvements
  • Much more! 
The more participation we have, the more we can do. It’s easy to join – just click on the Membership tab at the top of the screen. If you are on your desktop computer, using the yellow PayPal button is even easier:

Thanks for joining! 

 Your CHCA board