June 9, 2024

 Dear Clairmont Heights neighbors and friends, 

June is CHCA's Membership Month. We ask you to join or renew your household membership for 2024-2025 year! Your dues support and build our neighborhood community.

We welcome input and ideas for new events and initiatives. Have an idea? Email us at ClairmontHeightsCA@gmail.com with a suggestion for the upcoming year. 

A single $25 payment covers all eligible household residents.

CHCA uses these contributions to support things like the following: 
  • Our annual Fall Block Party and the Spring Street Fest 
  • Scavenger hunts
  • Donut / Popsicle / Ice cream socials
  • Banners to celebrate our high school graduates 
  • Ira B. Melton Park financial support for plantings and improvements
  • Communication and social media efforts
The more participation we have, the more we can do!

Joining is simple – just click on the Membership tab on this website (at top of the page). On a mobile device, using the yellow PayPal button is even easier:

Thanks for joining! 

Your CHCA board