
CHCA's Board of Directors consists of our elected officers and the chairs of the standing committees. Members elect the officers at our Annual Meeting, typically held in May or June. The president appoints committee chairs with majority approval by all officers. All are your neighbors, seeking to make Clairmont Heights a better place to live.

To contact our Board, please send questions, suggestions, or ideas by email to clairmontheightsca@gmail.comWe will forward your question to the correct officer or committee chair. You should also feel free to contact individual officers directly.

CHCA Elected Officers for 2024-2025 Association Year:

Susan Finn, President

Michael Dowling, Vice-President

Annie Thorne, Treasurer

Eric Taylor, Recording Secretary

Jarrod Cone, Corresponding Secretary


Standing Committee Chairs:

Steve Langdon, Schools & Community Services Chair

Jason Pociask, Communications Chair

Clint Paden, Traffic & Safety Chair

Meg Lowe, Planning & Zoning Chair

Cindy Giver and Eric Gilbert, Membership Co-Chairs


Special Committee Chairs:

Bert Ackermann, Events and Party Planning


Past Presidents:

Susan Finn             2023-2024

Bert Ackermann      2019-2023

Peter Rumsey         2016-2019

Michael Dowling      2014-2016

Suzan Rowe            2012-2014

Charlie Bleau          2010-2012

Nancy Ciliax           2008-2010