Street Signs

Household membership in the Clairmont Heights Civic Association (CHCA) includes all those in your home 18 or over to join for a single $25 dues payment. Our membership year runs from June 1 - May 31.

How we use your Membership dues:

Social gatherings: CHCA sponsors our neighborhood’s annual Halloween potluck and occasionally other cookouts and Family Movie Nights. We try to provide opportunities to meet your neighbors and have a good time.

Communication: This Association website, our weekly e-Newsletter, and the neighborhood Facebook group are all mechanisms that we employ to share information about the community. With separate committees addressing traffic issues, development concerns, and schools, our Board learns about a wide variety of things that we share throughout the year.

Neighborhood Improvements: We buy plants for neighborhood entrances and help fund additions to Melton Park. We provide grants for things like our annual Graduation Banners. We mow common areas when necessary.

To join and make a payment:

Please type the names of all household residents who wish to be considered as members. We accept dues payments using PayPal, which you may access either as a guest or using your previously established account. Click the "Pay Now" button to access the site. Thanks for joining!



Please provide names (first and last) for all members in your household:

Entering a street address in PayPal helps to ensure we correctly credit your payment.



We use all funds to promote the common good in our neighborhood.