What is it? Street & Feet is an event to encourage all Clairmont Heights neighbors to get outside and get moving. Families will walk designated neighborhood routes to see the sights and greet each other in a COVID-responsible way. Our goal is to get everyone involved! GRAB YOUR MASKS AND GO!
Where do we walk? We have two routes, the Main March and the Mini March, so choose your distance. Start anywhere on either route closest to your home – that way we have adequate spacing between families all along the route. Follow the map and you can’t go wrong - you’ll end up right back near your home! Document your tour with stamps at the Stamper Stations. Listen for the Air Horn at 10 to start us off.
Can we just watch? Of course! Sit out in
your yard. Wave while weeding. Tip your hat to friends from the comfort of your
porch. This event is for all. Oh, we will also be broadcasting on Facebook Live
on our Clairmont Heights page - you can catch us there!
What are the Stamper Stations?
Membership & Magnets Join CHCA easily and grab your NEW, non-delaminating car magnet.
Ice Cream Sandwiches Grab (and keep going).
Family Photos Pause near a nice spot for a photo that we’ll take and email to you.
The Play Way Hopscotch or walk the chalk maze for youngsters on the Mini March.
Hal’s Alley Circle the Cul-de-sac and check out the street art at its center.
click to download this flyer
Main Route